Family Law Experts you can Trust

When you turn to someone for guidance on divorce and family law matters, you want to know they can really help you.

Wellers Law Group has many years of experience in helping people, just like you, get the support and guidance they need during divorce and separation. Our family lawyers understand that your situation is unique, sensitive, and critical.

So glad you represented me. You are very good at your job and I was so struck by your knowledge and calmness.


Getting Divorced

It is always our aim to help you reach a solution to your divorce matter as quickly and amicably as possible, while at the same time ensuring that you are fully aware of your rights relating to the breakdown of your relationship. We offer a range of fee options to support you through your divorce, including a Fixed Fee package to cover the essential aspects of the divorce process. Please call us to talk these through.

No Fault Divorce

On 6 April 2022, divorce reform changes introduced a process of ‘no-fault divorce’ in England and Wales. This means that applicants do not need to show evidence of bad behaviour, such as adultery or desertion, or spend a period of time living apart in order to prove the irretrievable breakdown of their marriage or civil partnership.

The new divorce legislation in England and Wales requires one or both applicants (spouses or civil partners) to submit an application to the court which includes a statement of ‘irretrievable breakdown’ in order to start the divorce/dissolution process.

The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 also removes the opportunity for one spouse to contest the divorce. The terminology used in the divorce process is also being updated to make it easier to understand.

You can find out more on our No Fault Divorce Process page.

Guides and information for you

We have a number of free guides available for download. Written by our divorce solicitors, they provide information on:

What is a separation agreement?

A separation agreement means you can live apart without formally ending your marriage or civil partnership. It is a way of officially acknowledging the breakdown of your relationship without the legal finality of divorce.

Divorce is a big decision and many clients who come to see us are not quite ready to end their marriage or civil partnership immediately. If you are not sure whether divorce is the right course of action for you, we can advise you on how to formally separate from your spouse or civil partner whilst protecting your assets and relationship with any children. We can draw up a deed of separation and the matter of divorce can be dealt with at a later date. Talk to an experienced family law solicitor about drafting a suitable document.

If you do not wish to divorce due to your religious beliefs, but acknowledge that your relationship is over, then we can advise you in obtaining Judicial Separation which is accepted by the Christian church.

Thanks to your efforts and the way you have conducted this case, I have felt nothing but confidence and an overwhelming feeling that your role as a family law solicitor is more to you than just a job. Once again, thank you.

Guidance on making arrangements for children

Our divorce and separation solicitors are approachable, down-to-earth, and will listen carefully to your situation so they can offer you the best advice for your individual circumstances. We can help you in matters relating to child residence, child contact and your parental rights and responsibilities. If you are concerned that your former spouse may take your children out of the country, contact Wellers for expert legal advice and guidance.

Negotiating financial settlements on divorce

We provide the expertise to help you negotiate a fair divorce settlement, whether through mediation or via the Family Courts. Our solicitors will be there to guide you through the processes and help you seek the solutions that are right for you. We can ensure all relevant aspects of your financial circumstances are taken into account to reach a fair solution. This could include pensions, overseas assets, business interests, and all savings and investments. Our specialist solicitors will help you ensure full financial disclosure.

Experts in Family Law

Our divorce and separation solicitors have significant experience in matters arising from cohabitation, separation, divorce, and civil partnerships. We can also provide information on the options available to you if you are suffering domestic abuse including the swift issue of injunction proceedings.

As members of Resolution, we aim to aid the constructive resolution of matrimonial disputes and we can also provide a trained collaborative lawyer so that couples who prefer to resolve matrimonial issues themselves without going to court, have access to the legal support they need.

Divorce Solicitors in London and the South East

Trust Wellers’ family law experts to help you when you need it most.

If you need advice, guidance, and support on the legal issues surrounding divorce, separation, a financial settlement, or arrangements for children, we can help. We are happy to arrange remote meetings, so you don’t need to travel. Fill in the form by clicking on the link below and we will call you back to arrange the best time for you.

Get in touch

Please call our Family Law solicitors for help or advice on:

City of London 020 7481 6393
Bromley 020 8464 4242
Sevenoaks 01732 457575
Surrey 01372 750100

Alternatively email your enquiry to We offer a fixed fee, no obligation one hour interview at a reduced rate of £150 plus VAT so that we may provide you with initial advice and suggest the options for your next course of action.

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