At Wellers Hedleys we have developed a comprehensive set of training courses for those involved in Town and Parish Councils.

Core Councillor Training Workshop (3 hours): an introduction to the world of Town and Parish councils and the highly regulated environment in which they operate.  The session focuses upon the law and procedures applicable to Town and Parish Councils, the decision-making process and effective governance. It also explores the legal powers and duties of a local council and the differing roles and responsibilities of the Proper Officer/ RFO, Councillors, and the Chairman.

Chairman’s Training Workshop (2 hours): an exploration of the unique statutory function and procedural role of the Chairman, for current and aspiring chairmen.

Training for the new Town or Parish Clerk (3 x three-hour sessions): these three activity-based and interactive sessions provide a comprehensive overview of the role of the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer. The sessions cover an introduction to local council administration, the parish council meeting and the differing roles and responsibilities of the Proper Officer/ RFO, Councillor and the Chairman. Topics discussed include agendas, minutes, the code of conduct, standing orders, financial regulations, disclosable pecuniary interests, legal powers and the current system of internal and external audit. The sessions also recommend useful books and guidance for future reference.

Parish Meetings (90 minutes): what is a Parish Meeting and what can a Parish Meeting do? This session explores the operating context, statutory functions and role of a Parish Meeting.

Councillor Interests and the Code of Conduct (2 hours): an overview of what is expected of a local councillor. The session introduces the rules which govern Town and Parish Councils, focusing upon the code of conduct and how to correctly handle disclosable pecuniary interests, other interests, and the role of dispensations. The session also covers how to handle complaints about councillor conduct.

The General Data Protection Regulation (60 minutes): a brief session designed to provide Town and Parish councillors with an overview of the knowledge, training and awareness they need to make good decisions about how to implement and apply data protection law on a day to day basis.

Accurate Agendas and Effective Minutes Workshop (3 hours): the workshop outlines good practice in preparing and drafting effective agendas and the duties and responsibilities of the minute taker in the context of Town and Parish council meetings.  It will provide examples of good/poor practice and practical support for writing difficult minutes. The session provides an opportunity for delegates to work together to construct an effective minute, with group feedback during the session.

The Experienced Councillor (2 hours): a refresher course designed for councillors who have attended initial councillor training and wish to know more. This session is designed for more experienced councillors to build upon the basics covered in core councillor training, receive key updates and refresh knowledge of local council procedure and practice.

Chairing and Facilitation Skills for Councillors (2 hours): a session designed for those who wish to learn the skills of a good chairman. The session includes practical guidance on managing latecomers and handling difficult or disruptive individuals, controlling the meeting, concluding the key points of debate and being a good facilitator.

Health & Safety and Compliance (90 minutes): Town and Parish Councils, as corporate decision-making bodies, need to build considerations of risk management and compliance into their day-to-day decision making, their structures and their operations.  Taking these issues seriously ensures that the Council is a robust, reliable and accountable body which members of the public can trust and rely upon.  Councils with large property portfolios and a broad range of functions must be particularly aware of their obligations to staff, public, volunteers, contractors and each other.   This 90 minute online session covers key areas of health and safety and compliance that are particularly relevant to the sector such as tree management; play area inspections; building inspections; managing volunteers; managing fire and security risks; insurance; data protection and freedom of information.


Property law for Town and Parish Councils (2 hours): this is a two hour session looking at property law as it applies to local council landowners.  The sessions provides a useful overview of the key issues facing Town and Parish Council landowners and the range of liabilities, risks and obligations they are required to navigate on a regular basis.  A series of case studies allow us to focus in greater depth on issues such as adverse possession, unauthorised access, legal rights of way, wayleaves and trespass.  This course is ideal for councils managing large portfolios of land and also suitable for smaller councils that are considering taking on ownership of land and buildings and would like to know more.

If you are interested in booking any of the courses above for your team please call us on 01372 750100 or email